The 2025-2026 United Way of Mifflin-Juniata's funding process application is now available.
To be eligible for funding, non-profit human service agencies must have tax-exempt status (501c3), be in compliance with all government laws regulating non-profit agencies, and must provide direct human services to Mifflin and Juniata County residents addressing needs identified in the 2016 Mifflin Juniata Human Services Needs Assessment (www.co.mifflin.pa.us - "Government" - "Human Services" - "Needs Assessment").
Qualified agencies may only apply for funding for programs that make an impact in the United Way's three main areas of concern: Education, Income, or Health or programs that focus on racial and/or ethnic equity.
All funding decisions are made by community volunteers after both a fiscal and program review process.
2025-2026 RFP Grant Eligibility and Guidelines
2025-2026 Program Financial Overview (PFO)
2025-2026 Agency Financial Review Form